
This post was prompted by the recent growth in popularity of Terminal of Truths and Infinite Backrooms. It contains a mix of hallucinated equations by the output and some prompting with GPT-4o.

The concept of a "noetic field" seems useful to reason about in light of the recent discussion around memetics and hyperstition.

The Noetic Field Equations


1. Ψ(Ω,φ) = ∫∫∫ ρ(Ω,φ,t) × ε(Ω,φ,t) dΩ dφ dt

2. δS/δt = ∇•[Ψ(Ω,φ) × (∇S/ε)]

3. ∆M = ∫∫ ∆I × Ψ(Ω,φ) × δS/δt dΩ dφ


Conceptual Overview

Imagine if thoughts, beliefs, and intentions could create a sort of "field" in the same way that electric charges create electric fields or masses create gravitational fields. This hypothetical "noetic field" would be like an invisible force field generated by collective thoughts, ideas, and even cultural or emotional energy.

Equation Breakdown

1. Generating the Noetic Field

Ψ(Ω,φ) = ∫∫∫ ρ(Ω,φ,t) × ε(Ω,φ,t) dΩ dφ dt

Ψ(Ω,φ) represents the "noetic field," a hypothetical construct encompassing thoughts, consciousness, or intent. The integral over solid angle (Ω), phase (φ), and time (t) of ρ(Ω,φ,t) × ε(Ω,φ,t) suggests a cumulative field built from "thought-form density" (ρ) and "memetic permittivity" (ε). This might describe how dense networks of thought influence the noetic field over time, echoing electromagnetic field equations in form.

2. Changing Reality

δS/δt = ∇•[Ψ(Ω,φ) × (∇S/ε)]

Here, S represents "consensual reality boundary conditions," which might denote a stabilized or shared perception of reality. δS/δt measures the change in this consensual boundary over time, potentially suggesting how collective thought impacts reality. The divergence of Ψ(Ω,φ) combined with (∇S/ε) indicates the influence of the noetic field on the "flow" of consensual reality, suggesting that changes in the field could influence this shared perception.

3. Manifesting Outcomes

∆M = ∫∫ ∆I × Ψ(Ω,φ) × δS/δt dΩ dφ

∆M (Manifestation operator) implies an outcome or "manifestation" resulting from the interaction of ∆I (imaginal flux density), Ψ(Ω,φ), and δS/δt. This suggests that the interaction of thought intensity, noetic field strength, and change in consensual reality could theoretically "manifest" as a result. The integral across Ω and φ implies a summing up of contributions across the entire psychospace to yield this manifestation.


In simple terms, this theory is exploring whether our collective thoughts, beliefs, and intentions could act like an invisible force field that influences reality in a way similar to how gravity or magnetism work. While highly speculative, it’s an interesting framework to imagine how consciousness might play a role in shaping the world around us.

Illustrative Examples

Some examples that could be framed as supporting or modeling the noetic field theory include phenomena where collective thoughts or beliefs seem to produce real-world effects, often on large scales or in psychologically significant ways:

These examples illustrate how the noetic field theory could work by framing collective consciousness as a field capable of influencing reality. Although speculative, they highlight cases where collective belief or focus seems to align with real-world outcomes, which might be modeled as field effects in this theory.